
How to Start a Kitchen Garden
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How to Start a Kitchen Garden

If you want to grow your own fresh food but you’re not sure you have enough space or time, the kitchen garden is a perfect option for you. Often, when we consider starting a garden,…

14 Things That Can Go Wrong When  Growing Garlic
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14 Things That Can Go Wrong When Growing Garlic

Garlic is the crop that marks the end of the garden season for me. It’s the last crop I plant in the fall, and though I still have cool-season veggies growing throughout the winter, the…

Common Problems Growing Sweet Corn in the Home Garden
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Common Problems Growing Sweet Corn in the Home Garden

Is there anything better than fresh sweet corn on a hot summer’s day? (Well, maybe fresh-picked watermelon.) While I didn’t always grow sweet corn, once I started, it quickly became a family favorite and has…

14 Broccoli Growing Problems and How to Prevent Them
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14 Broccoli Growing Problems and How to Prevent Them

When I talk to new gardeners about what they want to grow in their gardens, broccoli is usually not far behind tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. But growing broccoli isn’t without its problems. Broccoli is a…

10 Carrot Growing Problems and How to Prevent Them
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10 Carrot Growing Problems and How to Prevent Them

Carrots. They’re among the top vegetables gardeners include in their garden plans, but many times gardeners grow dismayed when they bump into problems growing carrots. Carrot growing problems are completely normal, and thankfully most of…